1. “With the good comes the bad.”
2. Tribute to autumn and winter
3. Time of purifying and transformation
4. Both negative and positive connotations
5. Autumn associated with both aging and dying
Stanza 1:
· Personification of autumn
· It is a paragon because it tells us how perfect(pure) autumn is.
· Autumn is compared to a tree.
Stanza 2:
· Geese migrate to warmer climate – form of change
· Compares the geese nmigration to chains
o The way the geese fly in a line
o Making loud noises as they go along
· It appears as if the geese drag the moon across the sky
· Depicts the stripping of leaves as sunlight penetrating through branches likes needles
Stanza 3:
· Compares olive trees with wrestlers
· Wrestling with gale force winds
· The colour of wine is compared to a ‘ruby’.
· The colour is lively and possesses a feeling of warmth.
Stanza 4:
· The ending of one thing allows for the beginning of something new.
· It shows the transformation from one thing to another.
it helped but there are some pointers missing